After long months of designing and testing it has been launched -
Lab of Champions ROTOR specialized shoes model for Kettlebell sport and all other athletic and fitness activities.
The huge positive distinction of these shoes is that I have been inside the construction process from the first moment and up to the last. I have been really in every element and on every stage. I have put into construction of ROTOR1 all my 20+ years experience in Kettlebell sport and my loreexperience from other fields: technical and others and my soul of course.
Initially the idea was to copy legendary Soviet weightlifting shoes which drive their history from 1930th but I made a decision to make step much further and to fill my model with such qualities no any other model have it in the summary and to create ideal shoes for KB sport and other athletic sports and gym activities.
Of course it is impossible to reach an ideal but I am very proud of the result I have reached in this ROTOR1 model for Kettlebell sport and all weightlifting disciplines.
Luckily Saint-Petersburg is the origin city of Kettlebell sport and still the main Kettlebell center worldwide and also big sport science and industry place.
The best lifters took part in testing of these shoes discussing different elements of construction to make it better and better. No any other model before could be disposed to such attention and care then ROTOR1.

Hand-made in Saint-Petersburg -
the origin city of Kettlebell sport and main world KB sport center.
The widest in industry options to customize!
Distinctive features of ROTOR1 shoes
1) ROTOR1 shoes have platform flexion zones closer to middle of the foot to give you option to realize full power of calves impulse.
In our shoes you can do such important style elements of high class like rolling from heel to toes in Cleans movement and in Snatch.
You can even run in our shoes because of more natural flexion structure.
2) ROTOR1 shoes give you outstanding transversal stability because of specific construction elements.
This type of stability is very important for good performance in Kettlebell sport and other athletic events.
It is also positive for life-length of shoes.

3) ROTOR1 shoes give you very good stability and prevention from falling backwards. You will have more confidence performing your lifts in our shoes.

4) Inner seemless thin leather lining along all surface - the element of top quality hand-made shoes. Increases comfort of athlete and soaks sweat in. This layer of such fine leather is very durable in comparison to regular synthetic materials.
Metal shank is inserted in the sole of the Rotor shoes for stability ang comfort!
VEGAN Edition is available!

5) The upper part of shoes is sewed to platform by knits making the shoes really durable and safe expanding life-time.

6) Because of secure and durable design of platform you can use it even outside gym
7) The insole is made of ARTI-LAGE material with high absorbing capacity whch gives your joints (knee joints especially!) more safety during long intensive trainings.

8) ROTOR1 gives you have an option to customize easily all(!) color segments of your shoes and platform type: light leather platform is available.
We offer the biggest in industry spectre of options to customize!
1/ Colors of segments
2/ Height of Heels (Rubber, Leather and Wood)
3/ Different types of platforms for different group of lifters
4/ Patina work and Acryl painting
5/ Vegetable tanned leather upper
6/ Embroidery on shoe's segments

9) Wide space and solid cup in toes area gives excellent comfort during long sets and the only shoe's option for athletes with wide toes sector.
10) Armoured elements between outer and inner layers of leather increase durability and life-time of shoes.
Armoured side segments which prevent your shoes from fast ruining and increase stability overall.